Ritz Camping & RV

at the Wheat Land Fairgrounds

in Ritzville, Washington


Only Power hook-ups will be available while the campground remains open this fall/early winter.  There are no water hookups and use of the bathrooms are closed.  Off season camping prices are listed below.


Tent Camping


RV w/ Power Hookups


RV w/o Power Hookups


Payment Options Located HERE

To ease the planning of your stay please see our calendar for upcoming events held at the Fairgrounds.

Need to empty your RV??  

View an interactive map and list of RV Dump Locations in and around the Ritzville area.

RV Dump Stations within 40 miles of Ritzville, WA

Questions? Need additional information?

Sandee Palmer 509-840-4902


In emergencies, please call 911